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Old 03-11-2017, 10:50 PM   #366 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by v-raze View Post
Don't you mean the hybrid Mustang?
I didn't mean the hybrid Mustang, even though it's also quite obvious to come along a hybrid F-150. Well, something that actually did surprise me is the absence of a current generation Escape Hybrid.

Expect hybrid options pretty much across the board in the next decade or so.
Nowadays I'm quite convinced that in 10 or 15 years the majority of the brand-new cars to be available in the U.S. and Canada, Australia and New Zealand, Western Europe, Japan, China and South Korea are going to feature some sort of hybrid system, either full or mild. The pick rate for automatics in the U.S., Canada, Japan and more recently Australia already seems to justify the Toyota's approach with the HSD, while the simpler BAS-Hybrid might be arelatively cheap and easy-to-implement upgrade to lower-end models as long as idle shut-off becomes more widespread even in 3rd-world markets like Brazil
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