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Old 03-11-2017, 09:54 PM   #58 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Since most of the ethanol used in my country is made from sugarcane I've heard mostly bad things about the corn-based ethanol used in the U.S., such as its lower balance between the energy applied to its production and the final output, and an eventual impact on food supplies, but once I got to know better about corn-based ethanol it actually doesn't sound that evil at all. It may not be the one-size-fits-all solution pointed out by some folks but, along other options such as using leftovers and residues from the industrial processing of other crops, shall not be disconsidered at all. I know, sometimes I may sound like a coal-rolling redneck, but I do believe that even biomethane is going to have its account in oil and coal substitution strategies.

OTOH I wouldn't hold my breath for a radical switch from gas-guzzling full-size trucks and SUVs in the American market, but maybe due to the popularity of gaseous fuel conversions for those rigs in export markets it would seem quite wise for EPA to make it simpler to certify them in the USDM.
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