Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
Trust me, you don't wanna see anything comparable to it. And it's already happening.
I am well aware of how things have been deteriorating in Latin America. I have in-laws in Ecuador. Venezuela is a tragedy that looks to get much, much worse before it gets better.
Regarding CARB. I read many years ago that CARB was responsible for keeping hybrids out of the US market for quite some time because they were insisting that any electric vehicle be zero emissions. That is logic only a bureaucrat could truly appreciate.
Crash worthiness standards in the US make micro cars less efficient than larger siblings. I find that the Focus/Elantra/Corolla size is about optimum, though the Altima gets equal or better MPG. Anything smaller needs so much reinforcement that it requires a larger engine to get it around safely (satisfactorily).
There are laws in place that allow Neighborhood Electric Vehicles on roads marked 35 MPH or lower and restrict speeds to 25 MPH. Some states and local governments extend those laws to include medium speed vehicles (like golf carts and four-wheelers) as well. Some states have raised permitted speeds to as high as 45 MPH.
With some effort, most cities and metropolitan areas should be able to map out routes that would allow widespread use of such vehicles on secondary and tertiary roads. Similar to planning bike routes and zones.