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Old 03-15-2017, 09:05 AM   #6 (permalink)
Less waste = better FE
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Originally Posted by kach22i View Post
I'm curious why this topic is in the Aerodynamic section of the forum. Maybe you can answer that first.

In short, I think you have created more problems than you have answered, making you a better philosopher than an engineer. I'm just an architect, so take it all with a grain of salt.
Hi Kach22i
Yes, check the reason why I edited the first post, to move it out of aerodynamics. It was an mistake as I posted new thread from aerodynamic thread. Didn't know it works like that.

Luckily I am a electronic engineer, not mechanical. That is why I asked comments.

If you look at a bicycle and only peddle at the same angles that an engine applies peak power, you will not get far very fast. Normally one will pedal from about 1-o-clock to 5-o-clock looking at the pedal as a watch. The engine applies most force close to 12-o-clock. If you get on your bike and stand on the pedal at 12-o-clock you will not move, you only start to move as soon as the pedal goes forward to 1-o-clock.

I fully understand heat is waste. The spring will generate very little heat. The energy it absorbs will be converted back to pressure as soon as combustion pressure goes below spring pressure. See the attached graphs I added before.
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