Originally Posted by Frank Lee
Sure was a lot of that description that made no sense.  "shudders" LOL
Like, "aero-shaped mirrors were designed with the extra load of the closed shutters in mind"- What?
I liked that first pic- the front view. Looks low enough to be a.... STATION WAGON. But the rest, aft of the "A"-pillar... yeeecchhh. Oh well, as long as it works.
I hadn't looked back here in awhile. I believe what they are saying is with the grill closed they found more air rolling off the front and down the side right into the mirrors. Air that normally would go unto the engine compartment and under the van. So they designed the mirrors (probably with placement more than anything else) to minimize that.
I still want that plug in hybrid version. We probably would only have to buy gas maybe twice a year on a couple of our longer trips.