Maybe I was wrong. 540°C is only 104°F. My conversion in my head went off the scale.
I had a Chrysler slant six that had a plate between the floor of the intake plenum and the top of the cast iron header.
"Aluminum block"!
Edit: It turns out the aluminum block wasn't successful, but...
Walt Ronk wrote about the Lean Burn (the world’s first such computer-controlled system, except the electronic fuel injection used on some 1958 Chryslers). He said that, according to the Mitchell guide, there was no difference between 1979’s Electronic Spark Control ignition (ESC) and Electronic Lean-Burn ignition. The ignition box is mounted on the air cleaner. There was an early style with two pickups in the distributor and a later version with a single pickup.
So, one could have a slant-six Valiant or Barracuda that Has lean burn like a Civic and gets 30mpg.