Originally Posted by Old Tele man
Uh, sorry, but RockAuto says a ECM & injectors co$t$ quite a bit more than an equivalent CFM / CID rated carburetor.
Have you factored maintenance costs into that? I've had enough carburetted vehicles to remember the hassle of trying to tune the carbs (along with ignition points, spark plugs, &c) every 10K miles or so, trying ot rebuild them, then buying a replacement when the original just won't work right...
I've never had to do any sort of work on an EFI system, other than to replace one bad sensor, and I didn't have to spend hours chasing down the problem. The OBDII told me that that's what it was, I unscrewed the old one, installed the new, and I was done. No points, plug replacement interval 105K miles...