There are some pretty good suggestions in this thread for User Interface reminders. The Scan Gage as feedback is always good, but so is the idea of a spring that you can push through when needed -- but serves as a reminder that "hey buddy you're dipping in".
Also, as pointed out, limiting HP does not change the internal friction and other losses of your vehicle. Sticking it in Neutral and coasting does.
The key element which has been eluded to is the max conditions of the engine. Every engine has a max efficiency point (most power per fuel), and a max output point (max torque). Both conditions are at near WOT because of the reduction in pumping losses, but the max efficiency point is at a much lower RPM.
Since the greatest consumer of fuel is acceleration and hill climbing, driving a Manual Transmission allows you to be in a high gear at a relatively open throttle -- maximizing efficiency for the given task. (A lot of auto makers enrich the mixture at near WOT to avoid killing the catalyst, so driving at 10% under true WOT is usually best.)
I think the take-away from this discussion is fuel economy (for a given vehicle) is more about attitude than throttle position.