Thanks roosterk0031. Turns out, it was totalled, but since it is driveable, I'm keeping it. The residual value is just under $200, so filling the gas tank increases the value by 20%!

Such a weird feeling.
Doing the math, even though it feels weird to sink any money into what I can't sell for more than about $500-$800, I'm better off doing so than trying to buy into a "not totalled" rig. If I can drive it for a year or two, not making payments will cancel my "losses". Still need to sell the little Chevy too. I'll just try and put more of the money into tools vs. labor costs. For example: Bought a 20-ton shop press to replace $40 of rear u-joints to clear up the nasty vibration. Cost me less in total than paying someone to do it, so I'm ahead there.
Last few tanks have been in the high 16's to low 17's mpg-wise. I definitely need a block heater. They're cheap enough I'll install one when I replace the radiator. Was thinking of repairing the one I have, but a new one is about the cost of the plastic welding repair kit - and it has a warranty.
Found a fuel leak from the filler neck to hose connection, so parking nose-down to try and minimize that. $20 for a new hose, need to see if the parts store has cheap generic hose that will work.
My weekends keep getting pre-empted by family stuff, and I still need to do taxes, so repairs/mods will have to wait a while.
Since I do mostly short trips, I'll poke at the list of mods that help with that. Can't do EOC - gets air in the steering and causes a nasty vibration that's quite a lot like a "death wobble" until you sit in a parking lot with the engine running and crank the wheel to the stops both ways several times bleeding out the air. This means I can't even roll out of the driveway without starting it.

Scangage is looking like a good bet. I want something that can do ABS codes too, but I prefer a wired module with screen rather than something that needs an Android tablet.