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Old 04-01-2017, 09:36 AM   #59 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Frank View Post
I like (and own several) old 2-strokes. They're horrendously dirty compared to modern 4-strokes but they don't get ridden that much so the guilt factor is pretty low.
The problem had always been the oil, but nowadays it's been mostly solved due to the synthetic oils that can be used at a lower ratio, get better dilluted and then lead to a cleaner burn (they even decrease the spark plug fouling). There are always those Castor-based oils, renewable, biodegradable, and have a better dillution with the ethanol content currently added to the gasoline.

If I understood correctly, KTM is bringing a direct-injected 2-stroke to market next year.
It's been rumored for a long time and still led to nothing.
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