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Old 08-16-2008, 01:07 PM   #1 (permalink)
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My sister's 95 Celica and me

So, my sister is away at the call (church thing) right now and I have her 95 Celica ST 5 speed to fix its bad flex pipe section. She also wanted me to see if I could do anything to get the mileage up (EPA is 24/31). So, the day she leaves, she parks me in. I figure, heck, I'll drive it and see what I can get doing nothing fancy. I used DWB, went the speed limit or under, and used some engine on coasting down hills combined with high throttle / low rpm acceleration. IMO, these are things anyone can do very easily. The tank had 160 miles on it when she left it. She normally gets low 30s, maybe mid 30s in the car. I haven't driven with her in a while, and I know she is coasting more than she used to and has seen better mileage recently. Before this she was hitting high 20s / low 30s. Anyway, I take it to work two times last week which rounded the tank up to 320 miles. I fill up on the way home and get 41.2. We're definitly going to have a talk and go for a drive when she gets home.

Current project: A better alternator delete
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