Originally Posted by ksa8907
Turbos are ONLY used to increase power on gas engines.
By "pushing" more air into the engine the ecu will see a lean condition and increase fueling. Turbos are for reducing brake specific fuel consumption (more power per unit of fuel), not reducing fuel consumption.
I wasn't saying push MORE in.. i was saying less of the engine having to SUCK in and more of the exhaust spinning the turbo and PUSHING SOME air in...(not MORE..just some.. less effort on motot)
Both turbo and na cars are at same inHg for this conversation between me and you.. think we are gettin somewhere
Current garage
- 1979 mustang street/strip
- 2010 Hyundai Accent GS 5-Speed (hate this things final drive)
Last edited by Wiegraf; 04-10-2017 at 08:12 AM..