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Old 04-10-2017, 08:55 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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aero bed cap questions

Would like some help with designing my own aero bed cap. I have Google searched and searched through this forum and have yet to see anyone do an aero cap on an ext cab s10. I have looked at and downloaded the streamline template, but im very new to all this and im not sure how to interpret it. I plan to build the frame using 3/4" electrical conduit pipe, and i have a connection to get large sheets of 1/16" clear acrylic plastic. What id like help with is how to calculate the appropriate angle and curve for my truck. Not sure if it matters, but my ext cab s10 is lowered 3.5"f/4"r. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Side note, id also like to know hkw some people have made the streamline template transparent, allowing them to place it over a picture of their vehicle as a reference

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