Originally Posted by pete c
I'm a bit confused here.
Did someone just site 23mpg avg in a civic as an example of increased mileage? If I had a civic that got 23 mpg, I'd take it to my mechanic to find out WTF was wrong with it.
I do understand that 23 mpg is good for some firebreathing tuned civic that eats Mustangs for breakfast, but that was not the original discussion. If I recall, it was about improving cruising mileage in a given engine.
I'll clarify what I can. I get 2 mpg more (Combined) then what the car my motor came from got from the factory (the 300 lbs lighter does help I understand)
Coupled with I have a shorter geared trans 4.266 final drive. 3500@70mph on a 24in tire.
Coupled with e85 (which you lose 25-35% of your fuel mileage)
Coupled with a turbo (I'll leave this alone)
I thought it was actually pretty good.
Lastly it eats corvettes.