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Old 04-11-2017, 11:44 AM   #65 (permalink)
pete c
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Originally Posted by Baltothewolf View Post
I think Pete was confused, and does not know Hondas in general very well. (no insult intended).

Pete, no civic ever from the factory came with a H22 variant engine. That engine was home to a couple of Hondas, the Prelude (and I Believe the S2000 had an H engine as well). The H22a he has in his civic was swapped.
You are correct sir, I am woefully undereducated in Honda engine nomenclature and no worries, you'll have to try much harder than that if you want to insult me. Especially on the interwebs where the default setting of 97% of people seems to be arsehole, so that is what I expect.

Thanks for the education. I assumed we were discussing civics and you know what they say about assumptions. I would still expect better mileage from even the Prelude and I still don't believe that bolting a turbo to it would give better MPG, all other things being equal.
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