Much thanks. I am glad you were able to make sense of that post because it was extremely late.
Anyway, I did consider that as a worst case scenario I could rig up a couple of Chrysler MAP sensors obtained from the junkyard, but of course it would be preferable continue without.
Here is a chart I was able to dig up, and it does indeed appear that your assumptions hold true for my application as well. It looks like a constant slope of 33.333 kPa per volt, with an y-intercept of 0.6 volts at 0 kPa if we extrapolate. Of course behaviour beyond what is shown on the graph may not be perfectly linear, and there may not be reliable readings beyond what is shown here - so the assumption that there is a set voltage reading at 0 kPa may not actually hold true, but it seems like an okay assumption to make anyway as I am sure in practice readings outside the linear portion will happen very rarely.
I'm still a bit fuzzy on how you converted the voltage readings into a correction to the fuel line pressure, but it doesn't really matter - if it works for yours, it should work here given that the assumptions do not impose a specific value for the slope of the line.
Thanks again very much for your help.
Last edited by jonzobot; 04-20-2017 at 01:18 PM..