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Old 04-29-2017, 07:22 AM   #17 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Merlyn2220 View Post
I'm currently experimenting with a 12 degree departure angle and a 1.5 degree per inch taper rate. This is steeper than The Template, but it matches what Mercedes and Ford have done with the Sprinter and Transit vans. They both have fairly flat sides, and then go to a 10-12 degree taper at the back end. Ford uses a pretty sharp kink to get to that angle, and Mercedes uses a smooth curve.
Euro vans are designed aiming an ease to load them with a forklift in mind more than aerodynamics. Anyway, have you never considered to do some more extensive mods to the rear end in order to keep the tail lights more visible from the sides in a way similar to stock and eventually fit some custom-made rear doors that would fill the gap between the roof extension and the bumpers for a "cleaner" look?
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