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Old 05-01-2017, 06:12 PM   #22 (permalink)
Deep Lurker
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Central Florida
Posts: 53

Creepy Van - '95 Ford E150 Cargo
90 day: 14.45 mpg (US)
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Thanked 31 Times in 22 Posts
Originally Posted by BamZipPow View Post
Take a peek at my belly pan thread.
How do you deal with the axle and driveshaft droop under full bounce? The E150 axle and driveshaft will drop waaaaaay down below the level of any reasonable bellypan. My plan is currently to leave the driveshaft area open, and attach a bottom plate to the axle, inside the springs. This way at the default unloaded condition it will be even with the rest of the pan, and when heavily loaded it will be above the pan. I'll probably put a front curve and vertical riser on it, so if I hit bumps it isn't a flat sheet hanging out in the airflow. Hopefully that makes sense.

Regarding the A/C, I talked with a guy at work who has a similar year F150. In his truck the A/C compressor runs pretty much continuously when the AC is "on" and he loses 1-2mpg (from ~17 to ~15) when using the AC. He manually cycles the AC from on to "recirculate" because otherwise it is so ice cold it freezes him out. Maybe he has a bad switch or something, I'll have to make sure mine doesn't do the same thing!
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