Originally Posted by gumby79
Wow what a ride ....almost 5 years of R&D to this point.
Dam troll glad he went away
In post #18 pic #4
I noticed the doubled up hinges. And was thinking this would have the same effect as a Panhard Bar with too much angle, making it move forward and backward as the suspension cycles putting stress on the fixed front mount.. Causing causing the failure in post#21. In post #25 pic#2 the triple hinges is a nice solution.
Do you have any pictures of the flow visualization patterns on the belly, boat tail?
Hears a way not to have to wait for mother nature to make the marks.
Velox Motorsports Diffuser flow Visualization Testing
They used China white clay in water to make the juice .
Was there much of a difference between running the rear diffuser at 2° Vs 10°? Or was the angle change to better facilitate the boat tail trailer?
Keep on keeping on. I like the aluminum.
Sorry fer the late reply.
Post 18, piccie #4 was a learning phase on how to address lateral movement and pivoting of the rear diffuser as the rear axle moved.
I believe the hinge that failed at the fastener hole because of the method I used to fasten it to the wooden support. The T-nut eventually gave way which allowed slop to be introduced and straining the hinge leaf.
Post #25, piccie #2 was another attempt to address the requirement fer lateral movement. I'll have to post a piccie of the current revision.
I do not have any flow visualization patterns on the boat tail belly pan. The gap cover wasn't flat or ideal and had enough influences on the flow. It was a rough attempt to understand the next mechanical build.
The change of the adjustable diffuser angle was an attempt to see what difference it would make. I think the angle is currently set fer around 4 degrees. The front of the boat tail trailer was built to best match the clearance required and the approximate exit angle fer the rear diffuser. It was a shot in the dark on how to make them match up at the time with the gap cover. I will have to recalculate the angle and rebuild accordingly if necessary.
It may seem crude fer my builds but most of the time I'm taking a shot at what might work and seeing what the results are. Eventually, I might git it dialed in correctly and I probably wouldn't even know it until I collect enough MPG data or see how the dirt flow analysis turns out.