Hi, thanks for the comment you are correct that maybe manipulating egr would be easier and could accomplish the same thing.
I first wanted to do water injection. Then i had a look at the benefits of warm air intakes. So for this project my initial idea was to just create a very controllable warm air intake.
I am good with code and electronics, so the injection and the algorithm was very easy to implement for me.
I am not a huge fan of egr as it ads a lot of soot to the engine, and mine has managed to block itself which i will have to address at some point.
I may manipulate the egr aswell at some point if i find it beneficial (to limit water consumption or if the exhaust gasses have some mpg benefit).
Oh and i am not adding steam to the egr. I just thought that the egr mechanism is well enough engineered that it reaches all cylinders. So my steam will also reach all cylinders if introduction point is the same.
Last edited by teoman; 05-06-2017 at 11:25 AM..