You need a 12mm and 10mm socket and a 5mm hex key and needle nose pliers. You remove the metal bracket in front of the filter (the piece that supports the front bolt on the plastic engine cover) and then disconnect I think two wires that are in the way.
Needle nose pliers let you pinch the plastic clip on one of the wires so that you can detach it from its mounting point and fold it out of the way. Then there's 3 10mm bolts that hold the VTEC cover, take those off and you can see the filter. Mine fortunately was clean. While I had everything open I sprayed the inside with Seafoam. The whole job should take less than 30 minutes.
Use PB blaster to remove the bolt with the 5mm hex socket if it doesn't want to come loose right away. I personally recommend replacing it if it has any kind of corrosion because mine became seized after the first time I took it out then put it back in.