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Old 08-17-2008, 10:40 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Victoria
Posts: 70

Pizza Geo - '92 Geo Metro
Last 3: 47.52 mpg (US)

Blazing Glory - '07 Yamaha C3
90 day: 108.96 mpg (US)

The Beast - '86 Pontiac Subird
90 day: 15.6 mpg (US)

Mom's Firefly - '92 Pontiac Firefly
90 day: 35.65 mpg (US)

Noris - '08 Toyota Yaris
90 day: 35.45 mpg (US)

Mirage - '15 Mitsubishi Mirage
90 day: 48.11 mpg (US)

Japan - '08 Suzuki Alto
90 day: 45.88 mpg (US)
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Would Aero mods be worthwhile on a 49cc?

I have a 2007 Yamaha C3 and have been getting around 95mpg with it, and I think I can do much better than that. (The Yamaha website boasts that you can get 115mpg, but in the fine print it says that's at about 25mph, which I don't find to be practical)

I noticed someone mention installing a windshield can increase aerodynamics, and as I've been thinking about what sorts of mods I might be able to do to my scooter to achieve better mileage, I have been considering/wondering whether, at a top speed of 38mph, aeromods would make much of a difference for me?

I have noted that, at wide open throttle*, tucking in as opposed to sitting normally in my scooter will up my top end by 1-1.5mph, so it seems there must be some difference, at least. Having heard a little about aerodynamics, I can only guess that the form of a rider sitting straight up on a scooter, as one does, can't be very aerodynamic.

*Note that my scooter has an RPM restrictor, so wide open throttle can sort of effectively end up being more like 2/3-3/4 open throttle.

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