There exists a website called
Encycolorpedia; I haven't found the list of VW colors but you can search by name, e.g. 'Mexico Beige' gets
Volkswagen Mexico Beige / #d9a06f Hex Color Code Schemes, Charts, Palettes, Paints & RGB / CMYK / HSL Conversion
It lists everything imaginable:
- Color Space Conversions (RGB, HSL, 23 others)
- Color Blindness Simulation (!)
- Color Schemes for #d9a06f / Color Combinations & Harmonies
- Related Named Colors
- Colors from Paint Charts / Paint Brands & Suppliers (the three closest colors from 100 different suppliers (Krylon, PPG, Pantone, Humbol etc. with a ΔE for each one)
It doesn't find Shantung Gold, but if I get an RGB value elsewhere, you can search for and it will generate a page for that. Here's
Mountbatten Pink (the manliest pink).
The average color of Universe is
Cosmic Latte. So if you want to blend in (
) the closest VW color is Cashmere White #f9f4e3, else Champagne Pearl #fcf6ea, else Light Ivory #fef6de. This is awesome, I feel all empowered.
What is your favorite Volkswagen Color?