Stock bikes and cars are welcome as a control of sorts but you must agree to play by the rules. Which most importantly means that you have to keep a tight group and you have to keep up. No 50 mph hypermiling vehicles allowed. Craig requires that vehicles must be able to "Ride the way we really ride". Which includes 75mph sections of Interstate to prove worthiness for use in California commuter traffic.
You would have to post on forums. I think the AMA has promoted the event in years past as well. But unfortunately most people in the USA consider motorcycles as big toys and only go out on one when they want to see what is the MOST rubber and gas they can burn per mile.
There is a grassy hill behind Splash Harbor to unload with a ramp and there will be plenty of people around to help you wheel your bike off.
Because we have expanded the event to include time for the electric vehicles to recharge 3 times it pretty much takes up all day.