Originally Posted by botsapper
China and EU will step up and take the world leadership; joining forces to charge ahead on the implementation of the Paris Agreement and accelerate their economic development & security, energy production and shepherd the global transition to -- clean energy.
“No one should be left behind,” notes Miguel Caņete, the EU climate commissioner, “but the EU and China have decided to move forward.”
America First?
America Alone.
Oh come on, China didn't have to do squat under the Paris treaty. And note it is called the Paris TREATY by 194 of the 195 original signers. Only in the US was it called the Paris Honda Accord. Why? So 200+ years worth of Constitutional Republic could be cast aside by a new dictator who was willing to once again put the US on the short end of the stick. Good riddance to the dictator and the dictator's policies. That's the beautiful thing about governing with only Executive Orders in the US, they all can be undone with the stroke of a pen and it's like they never happened.
Wanna get lasting change accomplished? Work within the Constitution and build consensus among all branches.
Elon Musk hasn't been elected dog catcher, he has no more say in what happens than any other one of the millions of single voters in the US.