Originally Posted by sendler
The Topaz solar farm is doing 1301 GWh per year on 25km^2 of land
If it really were to try to replace anything it would need storage since it operates at 24.4% of rated capacity. .
Oil fired power is only 8% cap factor and natural gas and coal hover under 50% in most markets.
Solar power can load balance during the daylight hours, "other " types of power plants can easily ramp up if there is a disruption or large unexpected nighttime load.
Nuclear power as of today wastes 99% of its fuel, only Thorium could invert that factor.
I would love to see more nuclear but only MSR and "passive" nuclear power.
The Japanese were the only people to get a passive nuclear recharging EV, the radium battery only made 500 watts but it was an excellent showcase of what the future could hold.