Originally Posted by rmay635703
Why solar needs storage to replace fossil fuel or nuclear fired electriclal generation: The Topaz solar farm has been running for a few years now so there is some good long term data. It is operating at 25% of it's rated capacity because solar by nature will be either weak or off most of the time as the sun goes over. You obviously can't do studies on the effectiveness of solar using the rated capacity of the panels. This is where all of the kumbaya numbers in the media come from that have everyone brainwashed right now. Just stating the cost per rated capacity. They know it is wrong and keep stating it anyway to push the agenda that solar has become cheaper than other forms of electricity.
And Topaz is located in a southern desert. What percentage of capacity is a panel going to produce in NYC or Toronto.
But electrical grids have to be stable. So if solar and wind want to replace fossil fuel, they have to have enough storage to make up for the down times. I like heavy rail/ gravity storage.
Conversion efficiency of different methods was never brought up. The 25% factor of Topaz is the on/ off time. It would be like saying a gas or nuclear plant was broken 75% of the time.
Please people. Look ahead. Even if you want to discount carbon emission problems as a reason to act. There is an energy crunch coming as fossil fuels will inevitably dwindle. Energy is health and prosperity. It takes a century to repace 17 TW. We need to make the right altruistic decisions now and work steadily to pull this off without a crash.
Let’s Run the Numbers – Nuclear Energy vs. Wind and Solar | The Energy Reality Project