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Old 06-04-2017, 09:13 PM   #56 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sendler View Post
If coal and gas plants are off 50% it is because they are being controlled off by demand. Not because they were incapable of supplying the output as is the case for intermittents like solar and wind.
Keep in mind that the electrical consumption of your house is just a tiny fraction of the energy that you are consuming as a person on Earth. Just because you can unplug your house does not prove that solar can replace 17TW of world energy.
You can and should improve the things that are within your control.
In my case im reducing my home to as close to net zero as is reasonable.
If my EV becomes solar powered that reduces my impact further.
My yearly consumption of leaks, radishes, chives, raspberries, blackberries, wintergreen, parsley and coriander (which is higher than average) is delivered without water seed or any non human effort, i don't even need to plant it, all seed themselves as a kid all non meat foods were grown organically on the lot without fuel or any inputs, meat was harvested from my fathers annual take of deer, partridge and fish that the end of our block. I never ate purchased foods because my folks were too broke to buy food.
So I am very aware of externalities, I have been working to reduce shipped foods, last summer I ate a lot of organ meats from elk grown locally, I've been trying to minimize trash (best form of recycling is to not create it in the first place) and eat foods locally sourced.

My biggest use of energy is when I'm at work, but you never know, my work is slowly adding energy initiatives, its possible my footprint there might shrink, I might even get motivated enough to minimize my food packaging at work too.

So I guess I refer to Frank Lees previous statement