A few thoughts.
Concerning the value of a diesel Cruze - most diesel cars seem to hold their value a little better than the gas model - especially at higher mileage, and when the price of gas goes up.
A friend commented that he thought the GM diesel has been around for a few years in Europe - If that is true then you might want to look into that.
EOC in a turbo car is
generally not a good idea. It can be ok, but you need to know when not to do it and why. I drive a Saab turbo 5sp and eoc, but not as often as I could with a NA.
I agree with the comment that DCTs seem to have a fairly high failure rate.
I also agree with the comments about the standard shift transmissions having the potential to get better mileage that the EPA rating suggest.
If a cruze has a trifecta tune, wouldn't it still get the same mileage as before if driven easy? Just because it has more horsepower, doesn't mean you always have to use it.
Originally Posted by JSH
Like I said above, I've driven plenty of Cruze rental cars with the 1.4L turbo and automatic. I've had no problem getting 40 - 42 mpg in mixed driving.
I've rented a few cruzes also, and had basically the same experience.
I wish that I had noticed the age of this thread before I commented