metromizer -
... Add a forklift battery and charger, then coming up with an appropriate relay and 'smart circuit' ? Leave the OEM battery and alternator in place. Charge off the grid, or better, off photovoltaics. Use a large enough aux battery to run the CPU, lights, wipers, radio, etc. ...
It sounds like a good idea to me, as long as the second battery is used according to it's design specification, i.e. don't run it below whatever charge will reduce it's lifespan. I think the forklift batteries are the "marine-style" deep cycle batteries, right?!?!?! If yes, then I think those can be run pretty low. I always like the option of "switch back to stock" running mode. The best of all worlds (at the cost of additional weight).
I think we need a battery guru to make a "battery comparison thread" that describes the types of batteries and their applications/specifications.
Google google google ... Here's a FAQ on deep cycle batteries :
Deep Cycle Battery FAQ