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Old 08-18-2008, 09:03 PM   #22 (permalink)
Join Date: Feb 2008
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oldscoob - '87 subaru wagon gl/dr
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Originally Posted by diesel_john View Post
we can't easily redesign all the roads.

how deep does the road bed freeze in Australia?

longer is in the right direction.

the slower trucks go, the more trucks we need.

the smart trucks shift up and "rack" back, i know a 12 liter CAT that gets 7MPG. grossing 80,000.
7 is very good.
Locations that are manlier (challenging) than a honda civic and its driver scared by trucks that do 70mph and get 5 times the fuel mileage with 40tons on have trucks wide open, the full feel of fuel/air man/machine and 80000 pounds. the pulsing gook retarder is not necessary.

This 62mph theory goes back to early 80s, in fact it was a relatives cb handle. "ol 62". the fleet retardation was taken away immediately...the truck increased in 2mpg and went to see 3 million miles. no retarder is good for an engine that can do more. A sped up version of retarding is the very midget car holding it to the floor at the start of a dragstrip..the wah wah noise of the engine cutting out may be ok there, but when you got engines going on the size of cars themselves, this retarder is very very bad for consumption, The engine, the drivers mind. The schedules of millions of trucks slowed down for a 500 pound honda that is scared of a workers breeze that pays more for the highway than thier annual income is repulsive. There is no other reason anyone would defend trucks going slower...
I hope to see the v8 that scania has coming to america. the smartest diesel in the world. Concentrate on modern evolving efficency, not a midget past...
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