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Old 06-17-2017, 07:38 AM   #8 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Fish seems to be more "sustainable" than beef, chicken or pork due to its higher organic matter-to-protein conversion ratio, plus the water from the tanks where species such as catfish and tilapia are grown can be re-used for irrigation and decrease the amount of chemical fertilizers required. Anyway, those veganazis can't count on me to quit eating beef.

Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
Cows belch methane, a greenhouse gas.
Though it's unavoidable, methane emission from cattle raising can be decreased when they're fed a lower amount of carbohydrates. And since most of those carbohydrates can be turned into ethanol, it sounds like a good deal.

Soy contains an estrogen mimic. And probably is a GMO.
Even though it's actually quite hard due to the widespread usage of soy-based substracts in the food industry, I try to avoid soy as much as I can when I cook at home. I don't really get into the anti-GMO bandwagon, my only concern is the transmission of the "terminator" gene to non-transgenic crops due to cross-polinization which becomes a problem for farmers who prefer to use what's known in my state as "creole seeds". My opposition to soy is basically due to the estrogen content.
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