Prayer Request
I haven't been on the forum for a long time but I need help.
I'm requesting that anyone of faith and trust in God to pray for my family. My wife walked out 1 week ago without letting me know she was leaving or giving any explanation of where she was going or why. We've had troubles in the past but the last 3 years had been the best 3 years of our marriage. She won't talk to me and friends have tried to get her to talk to them but nothing seems to be working. She needs a touch from God to soften her heart about whatever the problem is so we can begin talking and trying to work out whatever the problem is and can get our family back together. Thanks in advance for all your prayers. I know God can and will answer prayer if we pray hard enough and have faith. We've been married for 27 years and just when it was the best it's ever been she leaves.