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Old 06-22-2017, 09:38 PM   #495 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by campisi View Post
OK. I've read through the last two pages of you guys arguing about whether the lead driver can be held at fault for slowing down in order to 'teach the taligater a lesson'. Why do you even need to slow down? I just keep driving at the speed I want to, I don't bother trying to get anyone off my tail. I don't like tailgaters but I'm not out to get 'em either. They'll pass, eventually.
Slowing down isn't to teach the driver behind you a lesson, it's to increase your following distance to the vehicle in front of you and allow more time for emergency maneuvers. Since you're in an unsafe situation, of course you should slow down and increase your following distance. If it encourages the car behind you to pass, that's just a nice side effect.

Slamming on the brakes so the guy behind you has to wake up - no, not OK. Just slow down a bit and they'll pass.
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