Originally Posted by sendler
That is only because we are currently awash with fossil fuel energy.
We need to pull out all of the stops now and use our current fossil fuel wealth to craft a new way. It takes a massive effort of 100 years using fossil fuel to save the disaster that is coming in 100 years.
More important yet is everything but fuel that oil is used for.
There are 2 modern examples of what happens when a country has fossil fuels but not quite enough of them.
Cuba planned for its reduced fuel levels for nearly a decade and still lost 20% of its population to starvation as they switched from synthetic fertilizers back to the old way. Cubans also became 4" shorter overtime as food was more scarce
North Korea did not plan and lost 50% of their population due to inadequate synthetic fertilizers.
A key thing to note is that these modern disasters were decades ago, farms rely on about 5x more oil based chemicals today than they did back then.
Without planning the switch to the old ways would be much more devistating