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Old 06-23-2017, 02:40 PM   #204 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard View Post
Here is renewable potential PER YEAR vs the TOTAL reserves of conventional energy:
The Sun is very powerful. True. Placing enough PV panels to capture even a fraction of what we are using is impossible. Solar Star is the worlds most advanced solar farm and it is averaging only 165.2 MW on 13 km^2 of land in the California desert. We need 240,000 more of these to make it to 30 TW.
Even just replacing 3 TW of current world electrical consumption with PV solar farms will apparently take 300,000 km ^2 of land in optimal sunny desert locations based on the reports of what the best solar farms are doing right now. And there is no storage for night or cloudy days. It doesn't add up. Please run the numbers.