Thread: Speed bumps.
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Old 06-27-2017, 03:53 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by FordMan View Post
Pulse and Glide if a manual transmission, when you see it coming up, kill engine, then restart right before your front tires go over it and rinse and repeat!!! Just a thought I had
@JockoT, I'm not sure you fully understood Fordman's post based on your reply. Several people on this website wire their cars with a engine kill button. So you "pulse" the gas to get up to the desired speed, then "glide" by pushing the button to kill the engine to coast, then repeat. If done properly you can save a note worthy amount of gas. But it annoys other drivers from you not maintaining speed, so you have to be mindful where you do it. So during those speed limits that have speed bumps, you could actually use it effectively.
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