Thread: Speed bumps.
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Old 06-27-2017, 08:32 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Use a Golf Cart?

In my town, we can drive slightly modified golf carts on the roads that have a speed limit of 35 mph or less. This case (20 mph limit) sounds like a perfect application of a golf cart (20 mph max.). Electric if your trip is short; gas if long. What does your council say to using a golf cart on the roads?

Here are our required modifications (NEV = neighborhood electric vehicle):

(b) A golf cart or NEV operated under this subsection must have the following equipment the city is adding additional requirements; state law can be referenced above [sic].
(1) Headlamps;
(2) Tail lamps;
(3) Reflectors;
(4) Parking brake;
(5) Rear View Mirror;
(6) Turn signals;
(7) A "slow moving vehicle" reflective triangle affixed to the rear;
(8) Seat belts; and
(9) A flag on a six-foot pole affixed to rear of golf cart or NEV.
(c) A golf cart or NEV operated under this subsection must have the required equipment verified and inspected by the Rockport Police Department (for a $25 fee).

We also have to have very minimal liability insurance.
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