Originally Posted by redpoint5
It costs much more than gasoline to quick charge an EV
But does it have to, or are we just seeing an early adopter premium added on until the chargers get more regular use?
Originally Posted by redpoint5
We don't need fast chargers to be as commonplace as gas stations. The point is that the "gas station" is at home. We need just enough chargers that EVs can get by in a pinch, or travel longer distances if the driver chooses to.
I'm not saying they should be as common as gas stations, more like as common as Walmart. If they're not common, then they're not very useful in a pinch because you won't be able to reach it or the only one you can reach ends up being out-of-order.
I think it makes more sense to have most EVs going around with 30-40kwh batteries and plenty of places to charge for those occasional trips than to haul around a 60+kwh battery just in case you want to make a trip (which you'll still probably need to charge on any decent trip anyway). It's because of the lack of chargers that a larger battery is needed or wanted to help with reducing range anxiety.