So, a wee update to this.
I checked my computer with a scanner, and I appear to have stabilized at -20% long term trim. A bit more than expected. This makes me think these injectors are 220cc. But, my check engine light is still off; I figure I have another 5% of trim before the switch is tripped.
My longer trip of 200km was made with the alternator ON, which is unusual because I normally use this car to commute and have the alternator off. So, with a grand total of about 300km on the new injectors, most of which is with the alternator on, is a bit screwy on the latter third of this tank. I have previously found the alternator delete helped my mileage about 10%.
Further complicating all this is that a higher bus voltage from using the alternator should serve to help atomize the injector spray and help exaggerate the effect of the new injectors.
With all that said, my best tank before this was 4.1 l/100 km; and I just filled up and measured 3.99 l/100km.
That's a 900 km tank with 1/3 of which on the new injectors, albeit largely with the alternator on during that last 1/3.
Things are looking promising for the next tank....will keep you posted. Regardless of what happens I am just happy I have joined the <4 club