I know my route pretty well but I swear the lights are intentionally timed to make people stop. My morning commute is 4 miles, 3 stop signs, 11 lights and a roundabout under construction, traffic is usually backed up 2-3 blocks at the roundabout. Getting out of my business park to get home is a crap shoot. I'm off at 4:30 but I know to wait til just before 5 to leave. Usually that will keep my wait down to 2-3 light cycles. I can't see the traffic from work and if I get it wrong I can be stuck there for 10 minutes. I started taking a longer route home, in the spring, through a residential district. A kilometer longer but only 2 stop signs, 4 lights and the roundabout. i have a long gradual downhill that way that allows for some long coasts. I know where I can EOC pretty well now, and I do it lots, but traffic congestion is the big variable. My average speed is only about 30 kph It's been a work in progress as I experiment with what works and what doesn't. Once the weather gets cold, I'll have to modify my habits again.
Almost all my driving is done 1-5 miles at a time.
Best short trip: 2.4 l/100 km, 3.9 km