Found this Report by the University of Kansas:
A Service of The University of Kansas Transportation Center for Rural Transit Providers
Disadvantages of over-inflation.
An over-inflated tire is stiff and unyielding and the size of its footprint in contact with the road is reduced. If a vehicle’s tires are overinflated by 6 psi, they could be damaged more easily when running over potholes or debris in the road. Over-inflated tires cannot insulate road irregularities well, causing them to ride harsher. However, higher inflation pressures usually provide an improvement in steering response and cornering stability up to a point. This is why participants who use street tires in autocrosses, track events and road races use higher than normal inflation pressures. But your transit vehicle will handle just fine at recommended tire pressures, and your tires will last longer. Again, the pressure must be checked with a quality air gauge as the inflation pressure cannot be accurately estimated through visual inspection.