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Old 07-30-2017, 01:34 PM   #4 (permalink)
Michael Moore
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JockoT, the Guzzi fairings didn't have problems, having been developed with a wind tunnel (full size) by people who had a clue about what they were doing. It was largely the garden shed copiers who made slab-sided fairings that looked somewhat similar who had problems. The FIM was also going through a "racing is getting too expensive/fast phase" as they did in the mid 1960s. Guzzi had no plans to drop the dustbins as they weren't causing them problems.

Jim, you've clearly put a lot of work into your fairing and $500 is not going to come close to covering your time. I like the fairing mount structure. I'm wondering if your side wind problem may be due in part to the center of pressure being moved forward (more than on the standard bike) so it is now in front of the center of gravity? I note that the Guzzi fairing stagnation point is significantly higher, your's looks more like a small MV Agusta fairing. Perhaps you could resolve some of the side wind issues by adding some rear bodywork?


That 1955 Isle of Man test of the Guzzi and Norton 350s had Vic W. saying of the Guzzi "occasionally there was mild disturbance from a side wind, but must less than I expected -- thanks no doubt to the low build of the dustbin and the curvature of its flanks. Certainly its benefits in speed, fuel economy, comfort and protection seemed greatly to outweigh any drawbacks." while about the Norton with the DIY fairing ". . . the high flat fairing caught appreciably more wind."

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Name:	motoguzziv8surtees4.jpg
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ID:	22265   Click image for larger version

Name:	12661887_1643395002592485_2595717784177321425_n.jpg
Views:	252
Size:	32.5 KB
ID:	22266  

Last edited by Michael Moore; 07-30-2017 at 01:54 PM..
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