IIRC my dad learned how to drive on a Brazilian Chevrolet C-10 with that local 2-door double-cab and 3-on-the-tree. Similar to this blue one, but that was white, issued to my grandpa by the governmental agency where he worked. IIRC those were fitted from the factory with an under-dash parking brake lever.
Subsequent square-bodied Chevy trucks turned to the pedal-controlled parking brake, which IMO are a PITA when fitted to a vehicle with manual transmission for anyone who can't do the punta-tacco (or heel-toe).
Dad currently owns a Nissan XTerra fitted with a locally-sourced Diesel engine and a 5-speed manual transmission, and sometimes it does become a PITA to start uphill. Sometimes I actually consider converting its parking brake from pedal-controlled to hand-controlled.