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Old 08-10-2017, 01:43 PM   #20 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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All That Jazz - '06 Honda Jazz i-DSI S
Team Honda
90 day: 48.72 mpg (US)
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Gave rpm matching a try this afternoon, and it seemed to work well. I had a great Hypermiling run, along my favourite coasting road. It is like a roller coaster, for mile after mile, with some tight bends which need a bit DFCO. I was in the car myself, so I could throw it round the corners in a manner that would alarm my usual "navigator". The last section is brilliant. You crest a rise at about 20 mph, use a bit of DFCO into the first two bends then stick it in neutral. You are soon doing 60 and it carries you right into town. It finishes with an ascent to the 30 mph zone and the speed bleeds of perfectly. As you pass the signs the road resumes level, and it is just a case of 5th gear and that's you. I love that road. It is about 3 miles longer, but as well as the coasting it drops me almost at my flat, with virtually no town traffic.
A great day out!
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