Found this. One solution, which if not practical at the moment is certainly interesting.
One of the solutions to make range anxiety when driving an electric vehicle a thing of the past and alleviate the need for large and expensive batteries, is inductive charging on the go. After its Halo Wireless electric vehicle charging technology (WEVC) – the non-moving induction solution - Qualcomm has recently demonstrated its DEVC (Dynamic Electric Vehicle Charging) technology on a test track in Versailles Paris, which is able to send 20 kW into an electric vehicle at speeds of up to 100 kph.
Qualcomm integrated the source part of the Halo DEVC system in the 100-metre test track (called Fabric and built by Vedecom), while Vedecom and Renault installed the receiving part onto two Renault Kangoo vehicles. Further testing by Vedecom will assess operation, safety and energy transfer to the vehicles for a wide range of scenarios, including vehicle identification and authorisation upon entry on the track.