Took her on her maiden voyage...
A good 23 km, according to google. (Since I didn't note how many km on the odometer - oops!)
And used...
23 amp-hours.

That's one heck of a coincidence.
Doing the math, that's 150 wh/km (241 wh/mile), assuming a steady battery voltage of 150v. Pretty easy math, as far as it goes! Anyway, that's actually about where it should be. Still one heck of a coincidence!
That puts my range at the ~50km I was aiming for.
We'll see exactly what it comes out to per km/mile once I have the chargers installed.
It wasn't without incident, mind you. My low-voltage "sensors" would occasionally go off under heavy, sustained load. So I have to determine if there are weak cells, or if it's the all too affordable "sensors". And there was a clunk under heavy acceleration...which is either the driver's side CV joint being out of alignment and/or too short, or else the drive-train was jerking up and down as I bounced off some limiter in the controller and banging against my battery racks.
Chargers, voltage drops and clunk are at the top of my list of to-do's.
Knocked these off the to-do list. Purely out of vanity and as an easy win:
Pretty good maiden voyage, all things considered!