Originally Posted by sendler
Starving masses went to their president. "Give us food." He answered "I never liked you anyway, hurry up and die". Syrian war.
Most other current conflicts/ terrorism are over religion/ jealousy-redistribution of wealth.
Are there other wars that some scientists partially attribute to climate change?
The researcher himself goes on to say
All someone would have to say to criticize it is that all this would have occurred without the drought," Seager says. "That may well be true. This regime was tremendously unpopular to begin with.
The drought was at least partially naturally occurring, he says, but it was the most severe on record, and its severity matched trends expected to occur with rising temperatures.
Still, he understands the limits of the research.
The authors acknowledge that many factors led to Syria's uprising, including corrupt leadership, inequality, massive population growth, and the government's inability to curb human suffering.
Droughts don't cause war; only people cause war.