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Old 08-17-2017, 09:07 PM   #92 (permalink)
Isaac Zackary
Full sized hybrid.
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Suzy - '13 Toyota Avalon Hybrid XLE
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
CNG is very expensive to get set up for.
If you have a CNG pump near by maybe it could be worth it but is not even half the price of gasoline right now.
To really make it worth it you would have to have a home CNG compressor.
What's the most expensive part? I noticed that the tanks were awfully expensive. I'd probably have to settle for a smaller than ideal tank. At least the vehicle would have a bit more range due to the electric drive. I'd be happy with 150 miles total between electric and CNG. Maybe I could add tanks later until I have a 300 mile range which would be just about perfect. The diesel gets about 700 miles as is.

Do you think the 23:1 CR would be a problem if I'm trying to run mostly off of CNG?
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