Originally Posted by freebeard
Why not go with the curved header and then a Tropfenwagen style rear with a flat top and tapered sides? It would have more interior space.
This design would give more floor space in which we could stand up. Perhaps greater volume too. But less floor area, which is a disadvantage in fitting everything in.
However, I want to spend some time looking at the possibilities a bit more closely. Maintaining max height has some advantages I might be able to utilise (eg. Murphy bed, or bed that stores up flat against the ceiling). You've also got me thinking about possibilities relating to designs where the rear vertical walls rotate outwards to 'open up' the rear of the motorhome when camped (to create close to a square rear). I've got some questions about the aero effect of keeping the roof and floor in a rectangular shape (to the back), extending out past the sides which are tapering in at the back, but I'll have to sketch it to explain.